Tuesday 27 December 2011


ARC - 1000hrs - mild, overcast, light airs - During 2011 the ARC pit has consistently been one of the best birding spots on the Marsh. I couldn't say how many species have been recorded on site this year but I reckon the wader tally alone is 31 species. Once again this morning proved the point with a cracking two hours full of birds - and I didnt even make it to Hanson hide! A thorough check from the causeway road eventually located that tricky Long-tailed Duck, which as usual spent more time under the water than on top, plus a Bittern sat on the edge of a reedbed. A White-front mingled within the Greylags and a `redhead` Smew came and returned to New Diggings over the road. Large numbers of Wigeons, Teals, Shovelers, Pochards, Gadwalls, Mallards, Tufteds, 20 Goldeneyes, 20 Great Crested Grebes, 6 Shelducks and 4 Pintails were on the mill-pond lake.
From Screen hide hundreds of Lapwings, Wigeons and Teals on the islands, plus 2 more Bitterns flying around, a Great White Egret, 6 Little Egrets, 4 Grey Herons, 3 Marsh Harriers, 2 Blackwits, calling Water Rails and Cetti`s Warbler and singles of Dunlin, Sparrowhawk and Reed Bunting. Around the car park, 10 Tree Sparrows, 15 Lottis and a Goldcrest. A quality session.
Lade - 1600hrs - Finished up at the aerial mound for a roost count. Disappointing really with 35 Magpies being the only count of note. A cracking sunset  was some compensation.

                                          White-front, ARC

Lade South Pit

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